head treatment

Dental Veneers


     Patong Dental Cosmetic & Dental Treatment Veneers, Otherwise known as Porcelain or Ceramic Veneers are thin layers applied to the surface of the tooth to improve appearance and color, or sometimes to restore a chipped or broken tooth. They are “indirectly” fabricated in the laboratory, and are very important tools in Cosmetic Dentistry.

     Dental veneers & Cosmetic, more often, are acquired by people who generally would like to improve the appearance of their teeth. Today, more and more people resorted to cosmetic dentistry just to achieve this goal, having a specific look and smile in mind. In achieving the look and smile that you prefer, it is always best to discuss this with your cosmetic dentist. Success will depend on the skill of the dentist, and the dental ceramist, and the materials used. Other dental clinics have their laboratory works done by an independent laboratores. We, at BSDC, fabricate our own dental works with specially trained technicians. Our dentists communicate well with the technicians on what the patients like to achieve regarding the size, the fit, and even the color, and even visits the lab to make sure all is well with the fabrication. Such is the advantage of having our very own In-House Laboratory, you save on time while we meet your demands.


Today, we offer the latest on cosmetic dentistry with EMAX PORCELAIN VENEERS.

dental veneers phuket      phuket dental veneers

dental veneers      before after veneers



     Emax Veneer is a thin layer of porcelain designed to bond with the front surface of the tooth to improve appearance. It is made of Lithium Disillicate Glass Ceramic which is stronger than Empress Veneer. As it is only 0.3 mm thin, reduction of the tooth layer is less and thus increases esthetics as a final result. Because it is stronger, it offers you long lasting natural smile. We are proud to be the First Emax Veneer Center that meets the international standards of Cosmetic Dentistry to deliver a great smile makeover while on a great holiday in Phuket, Thailand. Our well trained specialists can supervise every procedure to provide custom-made veneers that suits your desire. Emax veneers, despite their thinness are outstandingly strong as they are made from specially treated ceramic. There is less reduction of teeth’s enamel before they are applied on the surface, thus assured of a bright new natural-looking smile. Also, when compared with other veneers, the cementation of Emax holds the strongest bond. But in any case, the dental condition of each person is a factor that would affect the treatment plan and longevity of veneers.



     Empress Esthetic veneers are thin porcelain or ceramic shells applied to the surface of the teeth to achieve a bright, stain-resistant smile. Although, not as strong as the Emax veneers, Empress Esthetic veneers, in the hands of an expert dental ceramist with the supervision of a cosmetic dentist, can also create the smile you preferred. As mentioned above, we have specialized and trained dental technicians in our In house laboratory to fabricate your veneers however way that suits you, ofcourse, with the help and guidance ofour Cosmetic Dentists that are experts in their fields.



     Emax enhances your face when applied to every tooth that is visible whenever you smile. They can improve your teeth’s appearance by repairing misshapen teeth, and enhance them by filling in the gaps between them. They can also be used to cover discolored teeth.


     Veneers are popular these days to create a “Hollywood Smile” when applied to multiple teeth, or individually, to restore chipped or fractured teeth, and to improve appearance especially discoloration. Teeth that are discolored, possibly as a result of a root canal treatment, or stained by tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride usage, or the presence of large resin fillings that discolor the teeth. Veneers can also restore teeth that are worn down, misaligned, or irregularly shaped. They may also be used to fill gaps between teeth.


     Like any other veneers, clinical assessment and evaluation of the individual’s dental condition is made by our specialist. Such evaluation formed the basis for the selection of the most appropriate design that suits individual needs. Removal of some tooth maybe necessary at times in order to prepare for the application of veneers. When this stage is completed, an impression of your teeth is taken and sent away to our laboratory for fabrication in accordance to your specification. The next appointment would be for the veneers to be permanently cemented into place by using very strong resin cement.







Phuket Dental Clinic, Phuket Dentist @ Patong Beach